Behavior Gamification

Apply behavioural economics and gamification to influence behavior change.

Behavioural Economics + Gamification = Behavior Gamification

Behavioural Economics + Gamification =
Behavior Gamification

Behavioural Economics studies how people make decisions in real-life. It takes into account psychological factors that influence decision-making, such as cognitive biases and heuristics.

Gamification is the application of game-design elements and principles to non-game contexts. It is a powerful approach to engage and motivate people to achieve desired goals.

Gamification is the application of game-design elements and principles to non-game contexts, u. It is a powerful approach to engaging users and motivating them to achieve desired goals.

Gamification is the application of game-design elements and principles to non-game contexts, u. It is a powerful approach to engaging users and motivating them to achieve desired goals.

By understanding the psychological factors that influence people's decisions, combined with proven methods in making people addicted to playing games, you can create a gamified system to influence behavior change. This is what Behavior Gamification is designed for.

Behavior Gamification is a great fit if you need to influence someone to do something for you

Behavior Gamification is a great fit if you need to influence someone to do something for you

  • Human Capital

    Improving employee experience while boosting effectiveness and efficiency of talent acquisition and retention.

  • Customer Success

    Operating great CX while ensuring customers achieve their desired outcomes.

  • Sales

    Moving prospects from lead to closed won.

  • Marketing

    Creating top-of-mind for your brand from the market.

  • Product


    Building sticky products that people love to use, buy, and share repeatedly.

  • Learning & Development

    Building critical skills for the workforce to compete at a higher level.

  • Advertising

    Building sticky brand awareness from memorable campaigns

Explore 500+ interventions to change or maintain behavior using positive or negative actions

Explore 500+ interventions to change or maintain behavior using positive or negative actions

Learn and Apply the 10 Laws of Behavior Gamification

Learn and Apply the 10 Laws of Behavior Gamification

Do you prefer to solve something together?

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Do you want to use Behavior Gamification with others?

Become a Behavior Gamification practitioner

Online or onsite training

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